wahhhh.. envy..envy.. hahahaha.. btw, 'lesen' utk ko tambah lagi lens akan lulus kalau wifey ko pon dah minat... wahahahahahahahaha... poison..poison.. tambah lagi poison..
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wahhhh.. envy..envy.. hahahaha..
btw, 'lesen' utk ko tambah lagi lens akan lulus kalau wifey ko pon dah minat... wahahahahahahahaha...
poison..poison.. tambah lagi poison..
kena banyak menembak lagi ni bro, tak reti aku nak pakai macro ni lagi. Hahaha sebab tu aku biarkan, nanti senang aku nak beli lain2 lens hahahaha
waduhhhhhh...ada macro lens udah ya pak. bisa2 nanti gambar semuanya pun indah2....ehehehe
p/s kepingin mau pi indon bah ni tp x jadi...hahaha
Waw very nice ! The contrast between the black bug and the green leaf is really refreshing.
Kimora: Thankkkkkk youuuuuuuuuu
Chegu: One more lens to go haha! Pigi saja bah cegu, buli bah tu.
Syamsulfaiz: Thanks bro, mcm situ, masih panas lagi ka?
I m speechless Labpapa. Keep up the amazing work! Nanti u kasi bukukan ur photos ah, mcm org putih buat. I certainly will buy them.
Whimsi, thanks :) Ini hantam2 saja baaaa...hahah
sia ndak ingat perna tanya ko ka ndak.. akan tatapi.. sia tanya ja la.. your pic setting RAW ka JPEG ja?
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