Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Trip to Niigata Agricultural Research Institute

My lab went for a trip to the Niigata Agricultural Research Institute/Crop Research Center over at Nagaoka. The trip was for sampling paddies.

We gathered at 7 o'clock in the morning. Everybody looked really excited, though very sleepy.

The journey only took approximately 1 hour

Upon arrival, we had a warm welcome by Mr. Ishizaki, a senior researcher at the station (The one with hat)

I laughed when Mr. Ishizaki bluffed Yanagida, the girl on the left , that the depth of the paddy field was until his chest. Though I'm not fammiliar with paddy, I'm surely wouldn't believe that (LOL).

Mori at his best

Mr. Ishizaki thought us about paddy flowers. Because paddy is a self-compatible plant, one need to kill their pollens by deeping the flower into 48C water prior to hand pollination. Self-compatible plants are plants that can reproduce themselves by using their own pollens.

One of the plots at the research center. Reminded me the paddy fields around Penampang highway.

My lab junior was busy with the nature

Lab members were amazed by bugs that floated on the water

Nice trip, should do more!


rin-chan 린- 찬 said...

no picture of lab papa volunteering with mori-san ka?

i hope u had great fun and surely lots of knowledge about paddy

MJ Diaries said...

Somehow I like the pic no 8 . Cantik the way ko focus objek tu bah!

Lab papa said...

Teda gambar sendiri. Actually sa begitu irritated dengan ni budak sebab mukirayau, self esteem terlampau tinggi. Biarla budak2

Tq tq tq. I have more better pics than what i've posted hehehe

Poppet said...

wah best oo sinang mo buat crossingkan... self-compatible.. tdk mcm tu satu plant yg kita kanal tu.. rate of crossing success ble dikira hehehe

Lab papa said...

Senang kan. Mula2 tu sa wonder camna mo buat crossing dengan bunga kicik gitu, punya la susa. Rupa2nya tia la cam pokok tu mo capture lagi sebelum bunga kembang

whimsical said...

heheheh pandai juga the japanese makirayou o labpapa. Punya berani itu sumandak jepun pegang the Giuk? Giuk ke dia pegang tu atau batang padi?hebat kan jepun, padi pun dorang serious mau research o!!!!!!patut u kasi temberang dorang bilang tempat kita ada kerbau lagi o di tengah-tengah padi bilang.setakat Giuk tu, kita tak heran bilang.hehehehehhehe

Lab papa said...

Huhuhu pandai mokirayau. Ala whimsi tu bukan giuk, dia sibuk kasi sambung2 tu bunga kicik2 jadi mcm sanggul. Sa malas juga mo serita lebih2 sebab derang anggap sa tia tau langsung pasal padi since sa buat research on other plant. BTW, sini punya main research is paddy.

Poppet said...

ooo.. ble suruh tu saturang (u know who yg sibuk menumpang buat research padi tu) dtg sana ambik pHD juga hehehe.. ada juga teman ko

Lab papa said...

Boley, di lab ku ini padi saja. Ngam lah dia kena sikgu yang kuku besi ni hahahahah.